Special Gift!

More Focus.  More Prospects.

More Referrals.  More Business!


Thank you for your interest in our work and in receiving the electronic version of Defining YOU. It is my latest book and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. It will provide you with ideas and examples for answering the critical questions on the minds of your prospects.

Along with my co-authors, Kathy McAfee and Henry DeVries – we are proud of the immediate impact this book will have on your messaging platform. It will strengthen your one on one conversations and elevate your marketing tools.

Idea:  After you read Defining YOU – check out my LinkedIn profile and my website. You will see how I crafted the language carefully, based on what you will learn in reading our book.


Request the electronic version of Defining YOU! today.


You will not automatically go in our database. In fact, you will never hear from me again after you receive the download, unless you choose to. In fact, we recently reduced our list from approximately three thousand to three hundred. Seriously, it is true! We would prefer to support a smaller community of professionals personally, rather than a larger list impractically. You will never be considered a part of my herd, tribe or one of my peeps. You will be one of my friends and part of the family.

Answer four questions and get your gift!

Mark LeBlanc, CSP runs a speaking business in Minneapolis. He conducts presentations and creates experiences for professionals who want to create an extreme sliver of focus and put more money in their pocket as a business owner. He has clocked over twenty thousand, one -on-one hours as a business coach, mentor, and confidant. In fact, he wrote the book, Growing Your Business. As a result of his work, people often share they are more focused daily, able to attract more prospects, stimulate more referrals and ultimately, create a path and plan for generating more business. On a personal note, next summer – Mark will go on a short, five-hundred-mile walk across Spain for the fourth time!

“What a treat to watch a pro in action. Your timing was impeccable. Your storytelling, riveting and your advice was rock solid. You gave me a lot to think about, take action on and how I re-evaluate my plan.”

Elana Cantor

“I have benefited greatly from Mark LeBlanc’s presentations on multiple occasions as an attendee and speaker’s agent. Mark’s wisdom and coaching has helped my business grow exponentially within a short period of time. He is a business owner’s “go to” resource for strategies, tools and wisdom in developing focus and unstoppable momentum. He is the consummate pro. And most recently, have had the pleasure of booking Mark to speak at Jumpstart ’18 and Jumpstart ’19. Highly recommended!”

Vanessa Emerson

The Dental Speakers Institute, Founder

“I greatly appreciate you coming to Perryton and speaking to our Leadership group and the community. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentations Friday and Saturday. You spoke in a way that was appealing to different personality types. You incorporated humor and enthusiasm in a way that kept your seminar interesting without being overbearing. Your ideas are accessible, applicable and can be implemented immediately for impact.”

Emma Graves

Leadership Perryton, Texas

“Genuine, down to earth, meaningful, relevant…all words that describe Mark LeBlanc. His speaking style is unique. After listening to Mark for a few minutes you’ll feel like he’s someone you’ve known for years. The information he provides is useful and timely for anyone who wants to grow their business, practice, or become successful in their professional life. Attending a Mark LeBlanc presentation is time well spent.”

George Senick

Adjunct Professor, Loyola University

(612) 860-9138

LeBlanc, Inc.

215 10th Avenue South, Suite 532

Minneapolis, MN 55415